Minimizing Discomfort Through Myofascial Therapy
Our bodies ache. Whether it is from age, repetitive stress or recovering from a surgery or an injury, there are times when our bodies could use a little assistance in feeling better. One of the most spectacular ways in which your body can heal the strains, tensions, and restrictions that are preventing you from performing your best is through massage therapy or other forms of muscular or skeletal manipulation. Massage therapy is your non-surgical prescription to getting back on the golf course, back in the gym, or back at your desk working a shift without the nagging aches and discomfort that come from lower back or shoulder issues. Through a variety of techniques, we can offer you a pain-reduced or pain-free life without medication or surgery! One of the ways we can do that is through myofascial therapy, which just might be a great option for you.
Fascia is the thin, elastic, connective tissue that wraps most structures in the human body, including muscles. The practice of myofascial therapy works to relax contracted muscles, thereby improving blood and lymphatic flow. When the soft tissue becomes constricted due to injury, overuse, or inactivity, then pain, tension, and diminished blood flow is the result. Over time, this can contribute to pain and discomfort throughout your body, not just at the trigger point for your pain.
Myofascial therapy takes place during a massage treatment. Typically, your fascia is pliable and elastic; during your session, your practitioner will feel for tightness and stiffness around the fascia, this will indicate areas that need to be worked on. By applying light, manual pressure, your therapist will begin to manipulate and release the tension in the area. While the actual work that is being done may not be at the trigger point that is causing the pain and discomfort, myofascial release works the broader network of muscles that may be causing you pain. With the aid of the massage therapist, your muscles will go through this process repeatedly until the release is felt in the fascia and the muscles.
Myofascial therapy may also benefit those living with headaches, in addition to those with chronic pain or myofascial pain syndrome. The reduction of pain is available to you and does not require medication or surgery! Our clinic has been helping those with lower back pain for years and our services do not just stop at traditional massage! To see how we can help you manage your pain, visit our Facebook page at or give us a call at (949)-276-5401.
Melissa Bruketta
Let’s talk! We are here to help. Give us a call for a complimentary consultation. We would love to meet you.
Did you know there’s no prescription needed from a doctor to see us – but we will communicate your progress and treatment to your doctor if you’d like us too!
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